Monday, September 23, 2013

Free the brain 

Entering through the alveolar sac

O vile nicotine you attack

Passing the BB barrier

With acetyl choline as your carrier

O vile nicotine dopamine you cascade

into our mind you invade

Trick the brain you do to think you as food

O vile nicotine you play with our mood

You trump up by creating the wanting

Seemingly to stave you off is daunting

Meandering through the neuronal jungle

O vile nicotine you enslave

Depleting in about two hours

O vile nicotine you induce the crave

To know we have come of your greed

O vile nicotine you will not succeed

Into us you will not arrive

O vile nicotine now you will not thrive

Entry into us you cannot gain

O vile nicotine you cannot cause any more pain

Free the brain